Corrigendum on:

Effectiveness of mobile applications to quit smoking: Systematic review and meta-analysis

By Raquel Cobos-Campos, Arantza Sáez de Lafuente, Antxon Apiñaniz, Naiara Parraza, Iraida Pérez Llanos, Gorka Orive

Tobacco Prevention and Cessation, Volume 6, Issue November, Pages 1-11

Publish date: 10 November 2020


An error in data entry occurred during the production tables 2 and 3 in the manuscript, as the authors accidentally omitted the confidence interval dashes in the tables.

Table 2. Comparison of smartphone app versus other intervention (routine practice, text messaging, app for computer or tablet)

The table is the following:

The correct table should be:

Table 3. Comparison of smartphone app versus other intervention: Sensitivity analysis

The table is the following:

The correct table should be: