Preparing the new generation of Romanian experts in tobacco control: PhD studies in the field
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University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Grigore. T. Popa", Iasi, Romania
Publication date: 2019-03-26
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2019;5(Supplement):A92
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Scientific progresses and new regulatory global context about tobacco use and cessation have created attractive opportunities for young researchers seeking for a PhD in the field. As such, three most relevant ongoing PhD research topics at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Grigore T. Popa” Iasi were selected for presentation:

1. “Air pollution and tobacco smoke interactions in COPD” (to investigate cumulated effect of tobacco smoking and air pollution on clinical course and treatment benefits in COPD, in the actual upsetting increased local environmental pollution frame).

2. “Smoking and oxidative stress in mixed anxious and depressive disorder”( to reveal interactions between oxidative stress and tobacco smoking in mixed anxious an depressive disorders, to ascertain clinical practice benefits of tobacco exposure biomarkers in use and propose new such markers1 to improve disease management).

3. “Personalized tobacco treatment" algorithms for smokers at high respiratory risk” (to develop and implement clinical practice personalized algorithms to treat tobacco dependence in smokers at high risk for respiratory disease and to test their feasibility in a real life respiratory disease clinical setting).
Trofor A, Petris O, Trofor L, Man MA, Filipeanu D, Miron R. Biochemistry in assessing tobacco exposure - smokers versus non-smokers - correlations with clinical practice. Revista de Chimie. 2017;68(5):1002-1006.
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