#WhatTheSmoke: The power of popular influencers on TikTok and gaming platforms to keep youngsters away from cigarettes
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Kom op tegen Kanker, Brussels, Belgium
Publication date: 2022-07-05
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2022;8(Supplement):A65
Tobacco use among youngsters has declined in recent decades, but research shows that still 1 in 20 Flemish youth aged 12–15 years smokes regularly. Among youngsters in vocational education, this number is significantly higher (16.3%). Efforts to prevent adolescents from taking up smoking remain essential, but youngsters are hard to reach with traditional awareness campaigns.

Create a campaign that does appeal to youth aged 12–15 years (target group: youngsters in vocational education since smoking rates are highest amongst them), that makes smoking less cool within the target group and empowers youngsters to say no to cigarettes.

We employ an approach that includes: 1) qualitative research of target group and their media consumption; 2) development of creative concepts and a corresponding media plan; 3) qualitative evaluation of the developed concepts by the target group; and 4) launching of campaign followed by quantitative evaluation and adjustment.

In 2021, we launched a campaign in collaboration with popular Flemish gaming and TikTok influencers who disseminated messages on the negative consequences of smoking on their own channels. A campaign by youngsters for youngsters. Everything happens in their own world and interests, via their favorite social media channels, in their own language. Evaluation of the campaign revealed that both #WhatTheSmoke (the campaign on TikTok) and #RIProken (on gaming platforms) were much appreciated by the target group. Respectively, 75% (#WhatTheSmoke) and 66% (#RIProken; ‘roken’ = smoking) rated the campaign as good to very good. Furthermore, 73% of the target group indicates that the campaign makes smoking less cool and 70% thinks it can convince youngsters not to start smoking. Based on the evaluation, the campaign will be adjusted and relaunched in 2022.

Collaboration with influencers resulted in a successful campaign to keep youngsters from smoking but the challenge is to reach a sufficiently large audience since information on social media is overwhelming.
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