Special publications & Reprints

Tobacco Prevention and Cessation publishes Supplements, Special Issues and Reprints as long as they advance research or policies within the journal's scope.

Approval Process
Interested authors are kindly requested to contact the editorial office if they are interested in submitting a special issue to TPC. The request should be accompanied by an outline of prospective manuscripts including but not limited to the scope, authors, titles and timeline. The source of funding of the research will also be assessed. The proposal will be evaluated by the editorial board for its relevance to the journal and a decision will be made if the supplement is in scope.

Publication Process
Should the editorial board allow for the submission of a special issue, all manuscripts will undergo the routine peer review process. No exceptions to the vigorous peer review process of the journal will be made. The publication of manuscripts in a special issue can be either consecutive (rolling) with manuscripts published as they are accepted, or it may be published at one specific timepoint that will be agreed upon with the editorial board.

Professional quality reproduction of articles is offered by TPC as a reprint service.
For authors that wish to personalize their articles through reprints service, we offer the ability to add their company logo and advertising corporate products messages.
For a personalized offer, please submit your request at editorial@tobaccopreventioncessation.com including:
  • Details of the article to be reproduced
  • The desirable number of reprints
  • Special requirements (e.g., disclaimers, company logos, advertisements etc.)
  • Your full contact details.
  • All information distributed by the journal must not be false or misleading, hence all articles undergo are published in accordance with the peer-review procedures of the journal.

    Special issues published by TPC
    5th ENSP International Conference on Tobacco Control, October 2020 Supplement/2020 vol. 6
    4th ENSP-SRP International Conference on Tobacco Control, March 2019 Supplement/2019 vol. 5
    3rd ENSP-CNPT International Conference on Tobacco Control, June 2018 Supplement/2018 vol. 4
    2nd ENSP Conference on Tobacco Control, May 2017 Supplement/2017 vol. 3
    1st ENSP Conference on Tobacco Control, April 2016 Supplement/2016 vol. 2
    Vape Shops in the United States Supplement/2016 vol. 2
    Journals System - logo
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