30 years of experience in the smoking quit workshop
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Clínico San Carlos Hospital, Madrid, Spain
Publication date: 2023-04-25
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Juan Francisco Blázquez García   

Clínico San Carlos Hospital, Madrid, Spain
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2023;9(Supplement):A60
In 1992, the Health Education Unit, of the Preventive Medicine Service, of the Hospital Clínico San Carlos in Madrid, prepared the first descriptive study in the center, regarding the number and peculiarities of smoking workers. Observing the opportunity to carry out a psychoeducational program without pharmacology to help quit smoking.

General objectives • Achieve smoking cessation in the population attending the workshops. • Educate participants to lead a healthier life. • Propose to professionals an intervention model without a pharmacopoeia for smoking cessation. • Disseminate the DTT in health, sociocultural and educational institutions, so that users know a treatment to stop smoking without a pharmacopoeia. Specific objectives • Identify the day chosen to quit smoking. • Train attendees to deal with nicotine withdrawal syndrome. • Provide information to prevent eating disorders, with the consequent risk of being overweight. • Motivate for the routine practice of physical exercise, physiological breathing and relaxation. • Address the doubts of professionals about the dynamics of DTT. • Collaborate in events for the dissemination of DTT among health workers.

Material and Methods:
The total duration of the workshop is 1 year. With a face-to-face part of 6 sessions with a duration of 90 minutes each session, a weekly frequency and with a group dynamic consists of: reducing the number of cigarettes between session 1 and 3, quitting smoking in session 3 and up to session 6 train participants in coping skills with nicotine withdrawal. Subsequently, a non-face-to-face block will be carried out through telephone follow-up scheduled at 3, 6 and 12 months from the end date of the workshop with a "final achievement" of the detoxification workshop and its completion. The target population will be: - People of legal age. - Tobacco users willing to quit smoking. Exclusion criteria: - Minors. - Users under monitoring and with consumption of psychotropic drugs in a systematic way. - People with cognitive dependence or disabled for group interaction. - Users who do not speak or understand Spanish.

Participants: 1602 62% women 38% men. 87% citizens 13% professionals Attendance: 75% at 6 sessions. 25% abandonment. Achievement: 65% Smoke. 35% do not smoke. 12 months after the end of the workshop.

The psychoeducational program for smoking cessation is revealed as a priority alternative for a part of smokers. In addition, being able to quit smoking without the need for additional pharmacopoeia is the first option for some smokers. In addition, of the total number of quitters, the reduction of damage and the establishment of healthy lifestyle habits in the smoking population is a contribution to their health and better quality of life.
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