Community and brief intervantion in smoking
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Primary health centre Petrer, Alicante, Spain
Publication date: 2018-06-13
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2018;4(Supplement):A172
This study had three basic aims: to develop a community activity in smoking, to implement it in a primary care centre and to teach new doctors about tobacco addiction by working brief interventions.

1400 patients from general population were included. We selected people with diagnoses of smoking in their electronic clinical history (ECH). Codes 305.1 and 989.8 from CIE-9 were used. Resident doctors were taught about brief interventions in smoking cessation and they phoned patients to invite them to come to the health centre in order to talk about tobacco. We used the 5 A’s strategy, made a full diagnosis asking, registered in their ECH, advised according to their characteristics, assessed their readiness to quit and offered assistance and arrangement to stop smoking. Doctors were interviewing smokers during a complete week.

48 patients came to the centre to be interviewed. We began a new way to help them to give up tobacco by working with a proactive method. Repeating that practice for clinicians was very useful to encourage them to continue working in this disease.

Community interventions are efficient to approach the population. Brief counselling for smoking has the highest level of evidence and it has demonstrated efficacy. If we teach resident doctors about both of them and help them to practice in giving tobacco advice, we will get better results in health. It would be interesting to invest in training healthcare professionals about smoking cessation. We all should implement community health and smoking advice in everyday clinical practice. Their impact in health results is significant and our goal for increasing tobacco abstinence rates will improve.
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