Current status of evidence-based smoking prevention and cessation programs for Spanish adolescents
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Miguel Hernández University, Elche, Spain
Publication date: 2018-06-13
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María T. Gonzálvez   

Miguel Hernández University, Elche, Spain
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2018;4(Supplement):A175
Aim and objective: International studies have reviewed the prevalence of smoking cessation in retrospective reports. Nevertheless, to optimize program’s practical resources it is necessary to find evidence of the most effective prevention and cessation programs currently. In Spain, there is no published evidence regarding the long-term efficacy of prevention and cessation programs among adolescent smokers. Thus, the objective of this study was to examine the status of evidence-based smoking prevention and cessation programs for adolescents and young adults in Spain.

Eight studies that evaluated tobacco prevention and cessation programs in Spanish adolescents, and met the selection criteria, were identified.

An in-depth analysis of evidence-based school programs is provided. The published programs implemented in Spain have some strengths: the programs show short-term effectiveness in reducing tobacco consumption, and are described in detail regarding the number of sessions and components, which implies that they can be easily replicated. However, the implemented programs also have certain weaknesses: the efficacy of tobacco-prevention programs conducted in Spain is rarely evaluated, and only Project EX program assessed in a controlled school-based clinical trial for adolescent tobacco-use cessation.

Is possible to determine the need for more rigorous evaluations of prevention and cessation interventions to stablish useful programs for Spanish adolescents.
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