Design of an intervention to improve smoking cessation assistance from health professionals
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Santé publique France, the French National Public Health agency, Saint-Maurice, France
The Behavioural Insights Team, Paris, France
Publication date: 2023-04-25
Corresponding author
Romain Guignard   

Santé publique France, the French National Public Health agency, Saint-Maurice, France
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2023;9(Supplement):A140
Adult’s prevalence of daily smoking is about 25% in France and is marked by significant social inequalities. More than a quarter of smokers attempt to quit each year, most of them doing it without any assistance. Brief advice and support from health care professionals increase quit rates, but are not systematically carried out. We present the design and first elements of evaluation of an intervention aimed at increasing the involvement of general practitioners (GPs) in screening and providing smoking cessation support, with a focus on low socioeconomic status (SES) patients.

Material and Methods:
Smoking cessation barriers and opportunities in low SES smokers and health professionals were identified thanks to interviews of experts from several French institutions, as well as a brief literature review of academic papers, reports and previous studies conducted by Santé publique France (SpF). From an initial list of solutions, an intervention was selected and co-creation workshops with experts from SpF were set up. A qualitative pretest is underway to assess acceptability and perceptions of the intervention by smokers and GPs and the feasibility of its implementation, as well as to collect suggestions for improvement before further larger-scale evaluation.

The selected intervention consists of the distribution of an information sheet for patients and GPs and a patient questionnaire before consultation where they can indicate their smoking status, desire to quit and wish to discuss this with their GPs. The barriers that the intervention is designed to address are: 1) fear of asking GPs for support, low perceived self-efficacy in quitting, and negative opinion regarding support’s perceived effectiveness (for low SES smokers); 2) underestimation of the impact of support for smoking cessation and of the patient's desire to quit smoking, and fear of upsetting patients (for GPs).

Results of the qualitative pretest will be shared during the conference.
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