Effectiveness evaluation of the National telephone quitline in the Kyrgyz Republic
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Republican Centre for Health Promotion of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Public Health Protection Foundation, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Publication date: 2018-06-13
Corresponding author
Chinara Bekbasarova
Republican Centre for Health Promotion of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2018;4(Supplement):A124
Goal: to conduct evaluation of effectiveness of the National telephone quitline in the Kyrgyz Republic on smoking cessation

Were analyzed data of 5823 smokers (94,3% men and 5,7% women) who received consultations during up to 2 years (in 2016 - 2017). Since 2016 the Tobacco control unit of the Republican Health Promotion Centre of the Ministry Health (MoH) is providing smoking cessation consultations and information for Kyrgyz population by telephone (quitline). Link to the quitline website and telephone number 2103 were displayed on 12 Pictorial Health Warnings on cigarette packages, which were implemented in Kyrgyzstan since January 2016. Quitline (only 2 telephone line) work from 9 a.m. till 9.p.m daily, except Sunday and national holidays. During February-December of 2017, quitline service consultants made proactive calls to the telephone subscribers, who received consultations in same period of 2016 for conducting monitoring of work. 894 people were interviewed.

99% of respondents of quitline would like to quit smoking, but a strong motivation had only 21% of men and 23% of women; 67.0% of men and 63.2% of women had a middle motivation to stop smoking. 47,8% of smokers had 3rd degree of tobacco addiction (DTA), 35,5% - 2nd DTA and 16,7% - 1st DTA. 75,2% of smokers were 15-34 years old. 26% of people managed to quit tobacco use and 74% of them could not quit. Among the smokers who quit smoking during 2016-2017 - 43% had 1st, 31%-2nd and 19% - 3rd DTA. 90% who quit smoking were 15-44 years old. 37% of smokers who couldn´t quit tobacco were not ready do it, 34% indicated withdrawal symptoms as the underlying reason for their failure.

96% of respondents answered that quitline helped them to quit tobacco smoking, that is evidence of effectiveness intervention of quitline on population level.

Results of monitoring of the National telephone quitline service in the Kyrgyz Republic indicate, that quitline is effective population level smoking cessation intervention.
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