Evaluating the effectiveness of the Quitline Service in Ukraine
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NGO Advocacy Center Life, Ukraine
Kyiv City Health Center, Ukraine
Publication date: 2019-03-26
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2019;5(Supplement):A129
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Overall, 20 % of adults in Ukraine currently smoked tobacco daily (36 % among males and 7 % among females). Among daily tobacco smokers, 69 % reported first smoking tobacco within 30 minutes after awakening. Almost two in five (39 %) tobacco smokers had attempted to quit in the last 12 months. Overall, 63 % of current tobacco smokers (5.1 million) stated they were interested in quitting, and 7 % stated they were ready to quit smoking within the next month.

An analysis of the effectiveness of counseling was conducted by the telephone of the National Free Quitline. The investigate of the consultation period was 1.5 years from the time the Service was founded until now (June 2017 - January 2019). Smokers receive the initial consultations (reactive calls), and then, if desired, supporting advices (proactive calls). Those who refrain from smoking 6 months or more, we consider those who gave up smoking.

Of the 975 smokers who were received advised by the phone, the following was true. 41% (398 smokers) made the quit plan, appointed the day of quitting and switched to a proactive stage of counseling. 22% of smokers who are absent from smoking (215 clients) are in the phase of termination (up to 6 months) and receive supportive counseling. Also, 13% (130 clients) refrain from smoking 6 months or more.

Considering that on average 7% of respondents successfully quit smoking throughout Ukraine in a variety of methods, including by yourself. With the help of Quitline, this figure doubled and made up 13%. We can compare this indicator and state the increase of the level the refusal of smoking by means of quitline consultations. This effect is important to support smoking cessation system for the smokers who want to quit smoking.
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