Examples regarding research in the field of tobacco control in Georgia
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University of Georgia, Georgia
Publication date: 2018-06-13
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Bakhturidze George   

University of Georgia, Georgia
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2018;4(Supplement):A86
No tobacco control research capacity existed in Georgia until second part of 90s. The first epidemiological study conducted in 1998 by UNICEF support. The Implementer organization was National Tobacco Counter Center. Afterword the FCTC Implementation and Monitoring Center (FCTCIMC) continued work on the field and conducted several independent and joint studies on several directions of tobacco control. Other institutes which also organizes some studies related to tobacco are Institute of Public Health and National Center for Diseases Control (NCDC).

Material and Methods:
We used scientific articles, reports, web site and Conference resources to analyze existed work done in tobacco control research direction in Georgia. We systematized scientific or relevant work through different topics of tobacco control.

In General, few studies conducted and researched during last two decades. Most work was done by NCDC and FCTCIMC, which have more capacity to conduct appropriate studies. But, due to financial problems and lack of funding from Governmental or Donor organizations sources above mentioned institutions unable to organize periodical surveys or studies.

No sustainable surveillance systems exists in Georgia to analyze and compare results from different period of time. There are needs to use local scientific capacity and strengthen them through National research funding schemes or any other relevant donor organizations, which have no conflict of interest with tobacco industry.
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