Group consultation for smoking cessation in pediatrics
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Paediatric Environmental Health Speciality Unit Murcia. HCU Virgen de la Arrixaca, Murcia, Spain
Publication date: 2018-06-13
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Miguel Felipe Sánchez Sauco
Paediatric Environmental Health Speciality Unit Murcia. HCU Virgen de la Arrixaca, Murcia, Spain
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2018;4(Supplement):A181
Health beings long before birth. Exposure to tobacco smoke (active or passive) is one of the leading causes of pregnancy complications and a risk factor for developing multiple pediatric diseases. The objective of this work is to explain how the consultation for smoking cessation of the Pediatric Environmental Health Unit works. This consultation focuses on pregnant couples although smoking cessation is also offered to parents with children diagnosed with respiratory diseases as well as parents of survivors of pediatric cancer.

The consult has a group structure (although in exceptional cases is done individually) and is divided into 5 in-person and 5 telephone sessions. The main actions developed in the consult are the control of nicotine dependence, and above all, behavioral and emotional dependence to tobacco. Smoking cessation consultation in pediatrics is aimed at pregnant couples or both parents (if both are smokers).

During 2016/2017, we have developed 7 therapy groups with a mean of 5 patients per group. The individuals who have not attended all sessions and also do not respond to the telephone calls are excluded from the results. Cessation rate until the end of pregnancy is 60%. Emotional and behavioral control is very important during pregnancy and in relatives of sick children. The inclusion of the partner in the process is very important so that the cessation is long-lasting, while also promoting a smoke free childhood environments.

The strengths of group therapy are that individuals with the same characteristics (feelings, fears, motivations ...), also avoid feeling lonely during the process. The group can solve doubts and questions (fears, shyness ...) that otherwise would not be resolved. It helps us to establish pertinent emotional linkages among patients within the group. The results indicate a strong adherence to treatment.
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