Impact of Smoking Habits on the Environmental Awareness and Behavior of Citizens
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Hellenic Open University, Patra, Greece
Publication date: 2023-04-25
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Efthimios Zervas   

Hellenic Open University, Patra, Greece
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2023;9(Supplement):A147
Citizens' environmental awareness and behavior are linked to various factors (e.g., demographics), but also personal preferences and choices (e.g., smoking habits), while environmental awareness of citizens is considered to lead to environmental behavior. This paper investigates the correlation of citizens' smoking habits with their environmental awareness and behavior in four key environmental issues: air pollution, water pollution, climate change and waste management.

Material and Methods:
A specific questionnaire is constructed. The sample contains 1410 valid responses from all regions of Greece. The sample is representative concerning sex, age distribution, region of residence and other socio-demographic parameters. The analysis concerns the comparison of environmental awareness and behavior between smokers and non-smokers.

Non-smokers report to know better than smokers about the causes of air and water pollution and are more concerned about the effects of air and water pollution on human health. On contrary, smokers, especially conventional cigarette smokers, are less likely to use public transport. Also, non-smokers are more likely to avoid using products with hazardous chemicals and more likely to be informed about the air quality in their city. In addition, smokers appear less informed about the causes of climate change and its effects, as well as about which human activities contribute to the greenhouse effect and climate change. Furthermore, non-smokers often use environmentally friendly products, tend to pay attention to eco-labels when buying goods, and often apply daily habits to save water and electricity. Finally, non-smokers are more aware of the environmental impact of waste, recycle their waste more often and avoid throwing waste (e.g., plastic bottles, cigarette butts) in public spaces.

Users of smoking products are found to be less informed about environmental issues than non-users and less concerned about environmental problems, while they less often apply good practices for the benefit and protection of the environment.
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