Innovations in Canada That May Inform the Next EU Tobacco Products Directive
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Canadian Cancer Society, Ottawa, Canada
Publication date: 2023-04-25
Corresponding author
Rob Cunningham   

Canadian Cancer Society, Ottawa, Canada
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2023;9(Supplement):A26
This presentation will outline, with images, the successful Canadian experience with a series of innovative regulatory measures, often world firsts. These innovative measures and this experience could be considered for the next EU Directive.

Material and Methods:
The presentation will draw on Canadian legislation, regulations, research, and advocacy.

The measures adopted in Canada include the following: Health Warnings • Require health warnings directly on every cigarette (announced June 2022, final regulations pending) • Require world’s largest package health warnings for surface area (in cm2), due to minimum dimensions for “slide and shell” packaging • Require health messages inside packages on slide of “slide and shell” packages, replacing inserts Regulation of the product: flavours, dimensions, filters • Ban menthol/cloves at ingredient level in all tobacco products • Ban characterizing flavours in all tobacco products • Ban superslims, slims and wide cigarettes, with diameter minimum 7.65 mm and maximum 8.0 mm • Ban cigarettes longer than 85 mm • Require flat end to filter thus banning recessed filters • Require little cigar diameter of minimum 7.0 mm, maximum 8.5 mm Plain packaging • Require plain packaging for all tobacco products • Require standardized “slide and shell” format, resulting in (1) increased warning size; (2) a more inconvenient package size; (3) interior health messages that are not discarded • Ban brand names that evoke a colour or filter characteristic • Require brand name (including brand variation) to appear on a single line • Require drab brown inside pack • Require little cigar diameter minimum 7.0 mm, maximum 8.5 mm

Canada has successfully implemented a series of innovative regulatory measures, thus demonstrating feasibility for potential inclusion in the next EU Directive.
There is no conflict of interest.
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