Is the "Smoke-Free Zones" Programme known by Gipuzkoan population?
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Publication date: 2023-04-25
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2023;9(Supplement):A108
The aim of this study was to measure whether the population of Gipuzkoa differentiates between the places where smoking is not allowed and the zones where is recommended not to smoke, the prohibition is contemplated in the article 40 of the Law 01/2016, of 7 April, on Comprehensive Care for Addictions and Drug Addictions, and the recomended zones are descrived in the "Smoke-Free Zones" programme of the Basque Government. For this purpose a battery of questions was provided to students of 3 educational centres. Additionally, a survey was conducted in the street in order to reach a more plural sample.

The objective of the study was to quantify the knowledge of the "Smoke-Free zones" programme among the general population of Gipuzkoa and among pupils at three schools in Gipuzkoa (n= 267).

Material and Methods:
A questionnaire consisting of 5 questions with open/closed answers was carried out in the educational centres, and the general population of Gipuzkoa was provided with a survey of 4 questions.

2% of the consulted population of Gipuzkoa (general population and students) differentiates places where smoking is prohibited according to the Law 01/2016 from the “Smoke-Free Zones”.

People do not differentiate the zones described on "Smoke-Free Zones" programme and they confuse them with the zones defined in the Law 01/2016. The proposals for new smoke-free zones would be better identified if they were an extension of the Law 01/2016.
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