Lung cancer screening, smoking cessation and health behaviors: preliminary results of an Italian pilot study
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Oncologic Network, Prevention and Research Institute, Florence, Italy
Medical Specialization School of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, University of Florence, Florence, Italy
Department of Public Health, Experimental and Forensic Medicine, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
Publication date: 2023-10-08
Corresponding author
Jasmine Giovannoli   

Oncologic Network, Prevention and Research Institute, Florence, Italy
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2023;9(Supplement 2):A73
Participation in lung cancer screening (LCS) is a favorable 'teachable moment' to promote smoking cessation (SC). This Italian pilot study provides low-dose computed tomography in combination with brief advice, followed by referral to SC center (SCC).

The aim was to assess participants' psychological characteristics related to SC and health behaviors.

Material and Methods:
LCS participants completed two questionnaires to assess the stage of change according to the transtheoretical model, and time perspective, a predictor of individual behavior.

Out of 290 participants in the Florence area, 263 (90.7%) were smokers (52.1% females; mean age: 63.4 years; 46.8 pack-years) and 27 (9.3%) were ex-smokers (33.3% females; mean age: 63.8 years; 50.9 pack-years). 143 (54.4%) smokers were referred to the SCC. 140 smokers completed the questionnaires and 7.9% were in precontemplation, 34.3% in contemplation, 12.1% in preparation, and 2.1% in the action stage of change. 6.4% of the smokers were simultaneously in precontemplation and contemplation while 5.7% were simultaneously in precontemplation and preparation. Moreover, smokers compared to the Italian population, tend to be less fatalistic (mean score: 15.0; range: 15.6-22.9) and nearly more hedonistic (mean score: 21.7; range: 14.5-22.7). Future orientation was consistent with the Italian population (mean score: 31.7; range: 25.9-35.7).

These preliminary results confirm that LCS can be a teachable moment to think about SC and that a negative correlation exists between a fatalistic attitude and health behaviors. Indeed, all smokers who completed the questionnaires joined the LCS program, about 50% were considering changing their smoking status and more than 50% were referred to SCC. Furthermore, a hedonistic attitude at the upper limits of the norm emerges, indicative of a tendency to be self-indulgent pleasure-seekers.
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
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