Marketing of heated tobacco products and tobacco - a case study of 5 nightclubs in a major city in Poland
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Department of Public Health and Social Medicine, Medical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland
Publication date: 2023-10-08
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Julia Nowicka   

Department of Public Health and Social Medicine, Medical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2023;9(Supplement 2):A91
The tobacco industry is constantly launching new generation products to attract new customers. In particular, heated tobacco products are aimed at young people due to their simple design and association with electronics. These products are advertised in social gathering places, such as nightclubs, where young adults socialize.

To conduct a case study of tobacco marketing in 5 nightclubs in the city of Gdansk, a major city in Poland.

Material and Methods:
Observation of tobacco marketing was carried out at 5 nightclubs in the city of Gdansk during the 2022 summer vacation. Two independent observers collected data on tobacco advertising and promotion according to a developed observation form. They made photographs of visible forms of marketing such as points of sale, tobacco brand logo signs, branded accessories, free samples and gadgets.

The case study found that tobacco marketing was intensive and consisted of various forms of promotion. Large point-of-sale displays, illuminated tobacco brand logo signs and numerous types of brand logo accessories were present. Heated tobacco products were more frequently advertised and promoted in the investigated establishments than cigarettes. Representatives of tobacco brands were observed encouraging people to try and purchase a tobacco product.

Tobacco marketing is aggressively carried out in nightclubs, which are places where young people gather. In addition, advertisements for heated tobacco products that target young people are also dominant. These types of settings should be controlled by relevant authorities and tobacco marketing that reaches vulnerable groups should be monitored and restricted.
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
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