Non smoking week. Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine semFYC
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Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine semFYC
ENSP and CNPT member
Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine semFYC. Tobacco work Group
Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine semFYC.Tobacco work Group and CNPT
Publication date: 2018-06-13
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2018;4(Supplement):A117
The Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine semFYC decided in 2000 to organice its first “No Smoking Week” (NSW) in the last week of May, this week is held to coincide with the World Health Organization’s “No Tobacco Day” on 31 May. Eighteen NSW have been held so far. The last No smoking week between 25-31 may 2017 “Less tobacco y more exercise”. More information in the web . NSW is a community prevention and intervention campaign aimed at healthcare professionals, as well as at the general public. Activities are organised with a view to informing the public and raising their awareness of the consequences of smoking, of the advantages of not smoking, of the possible therapies available to help smokers give up, and of citizens’ rights and need to be able to breathe smoke-free air.

1. To make the general public aware of the risks that smoking poses to health, and encourage smokers visiting primary health centres to take steps towards giving up. 1. To inform smokers of the range of treatments available to give up smoking and the kind of help they can expect to receive from their general practitioner (GP). 1. To promote the involvement of GPs in tackling smoking from three different angles: as social agents; as a role model to be imitated by their patients; and as healthcare professionals offering treatment to help smokers give up.

More than 2000 Primary Health Center of all Spain participated in the last edition of NSW with different activities.

The various NSW over the years have made the populace aware that we GPs are a resource capable of helping smokers to give up smoking. The NSW is a public manifestation of our responsibility to all those people around us who smoke and want to stop.

Non smoking week is founded by the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine semFYC and The Health Minister of Spain
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