Quitting smoking and use of Smoking Cessation services: Results from Russian Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Survey
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National Medical Research Centre for Preventive Medicine of MoH Russian Federation, Russian Federation
National Medical Research Centre for Preventive Medicine, Russian Federation
Publication date: 2019-03-26
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2019;5(Supplement):A66
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Delivery of smoking cessation services is part of WHO FCTC implementation plan in Russia and Russian State Tobacco Control policy. The purpose of this study is to define how well smoking cessation services are implemented in Russia in comparison with European countries.

Data from Russian Tobacco Control Law Evaluation Survey (2017-2018) are analysed, based on multistage random sample of 11625 adult respondents, stratified by smoking status: 6569 smokers, 2377 former smokers, 2679 never smokers, in 10 Russian Federal subjects, interviewed with questionnaire comparable with the one of ITC Project. Data are compared with the results of ‘EURESTPLUS ITC Europe Surveys’ (

Significant majority of smokers (56.6%) had signs of high tobacco dependence and 81.4% of smokers considered themselves dependent on tobacco. 37.4% of smokers had made quit attempts in the past 12 months, which was lower than in England (46.3%), but much higher than in all other countries. No significant differences were found for sex and age groups, however, smokers with financial problems had more quit attempts. 64.9% of those who had tried to quit didn’t use any assistance, only 9.5% had turned to healthcare institutions, 18.8% - used smoking cessation medication, and 6.6% - used quitlies, internet and print materials. 59% from those who had used healthcare services, had turned to smoking cessation support in medical prevention and smoking cessation offices. 65.2% of smokers who had chosen smoking cessation medication, had used nicotine replacement therapy, 8.1%- varenicline and 43.9%- citizine. From the few smokers who had used telephone-internet-media resources for quitting, 16.5% had used the National quitline, 19.5%-mobile apps, 45.1% internet and 45.7% - pamphlets. Results are comparable to those from the 8 EURESTPLUS ITC countries. 75.8% of respondents, who had visited the doctor in the last 12 months were asked about smoking. In 72.1% of cases smoking patients had got advice to quit, which is higher than in the countries of comparison. 41.6% of smokers were offered support in smoking cessation, and 46.1% had been referred to healthcare smoking cessation services, which only 18.1% had received, mainly – as counselling, medication and printed materials.

Despite high prevalence of smokers with signs of high tobacco dependence, frequency of quit attempts is low and most of those are made unassisted. Smoking cessation services in healthcare are poorly implemented. Updated organizational mechanisms are needed, for effective implementation of smoking cessation at primary healthcare institutions.
Our research was provided by the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation.
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