Revision of policies on tobacco and other nicotine-containing products, smoking cessation in the Russian Federation and the Eurasian Economic Union
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Institute for Leadership and Health Management, I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russia
Russian Public Health Association, Moscow, Russia
Pedagogical College N.18 in Mitino, Moscow, Russia
Treatment and Rehabilitation Center Ministry of Health of Russia Federal State Autonomous Institution, Moscow, Russia
Heel Rus, Heel Medicines in Russia, Moscow, Russia
Publication date: 2021-12-10
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2021;7(Supplement):51
Tobacco and other nicotine-containing products' (TNCP) market and legal regulation, State guarantees on smoking cessation undergo changes in the Russian Federation and the supranational Eurasion Economic Union (EAEU).

To review recent amendments in regulation of TNCP and smoking cessation, to provide recommendations for public health protection.

Review of recent amendments of legislation of the Russian Federation and the EAEU, including the Law “On protection of health of citizens from impact of ambient tobacco smoke and the consequences of consumption of tobacco,” the EAEU Technical regulation on tobacco products; the “Concept for the implementation of the State policy to counteract the consumption of tobacco and other nicotine-containing products in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2035 and the future perspective,” Tax Code; the Code of Administrative Offences, the Law on Advertising, other legal documents of the Federal and regional govenments and ministries, and available comments.

The Government of the Russian Federation has officially adopted a single approach to regulation of TNCP. However, recent amendments of legislation and legal initiatives of supranational EAEU suggest that tobacco industry continues its efforts to secure special regulatory regime for novel products, based on false statements on risk reduction. For example, heated tobacco is currently regulated legally as nicotine-containing product, but not as tobacco in Russia. State guarantees on tobacco cessation, awaiting implementation since adoption in 2013, have been revised as well.

To protect public health, it is important to promote large scale smoking cessation program, funded by the state, to reduce the number of TNCP dependent individuals. Direct foreign investment, tax privileges to TNCP industry should be eliminated. Public health, health care and consumer protection professionals should stop cooperating with tobacco industry supported organizations. EAEU should consider joining WHO FCTC to benefit health and prevent tobacco industry interference.
No Conflicts of Interest were reported.
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