Smoke-Free La Graciosa: PMI’s Greenwashing in a Spanish island & the Smoke-Free Culture Certificate
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1, Madrid, Spain
Publication date: 2022-07-05
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2022;8(Supplement):A1
PMI, in its attempt to greenwash its public image, is persuading the governments of certain localities with a high ecological value and also leisure-related companies (hotels, restaurants, etc.), to get the ‘Smokeless Culture’ certificate from the certifying company TÜV Austria.

Our objective was to break the agreement between PMI and La Graciosa local Government. Explain the case of La Graciosa sin Humo, in the Canary Islands, Spain, and the requirements of the Smoke-free Culture certification in order to expose how close they are to the tobacco industry’s arguments.

An international sign-on letter was organized by Nofumadores. org, CNPT, ICO, ASH, and STOP, and addressed to the Spanish Government and the Mayor responsible for La Graciosa. It was signed by 151 organizations from 53 countries calling for the break of the agreement and the interruption of the campaign.

Due to the national and international pressure on the local Government, it announced the end of the agreement with PMI and the close of the website where the La Graciosa sin Humo campaign was publicized.

The Tobacco Control Community needs to be alert about the industry’s greenwashing tactics and avoid industry interference by joining forces and educating the public administration about Article 5.3 of the FCTC.
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