Smoking cessation in teenagers: A Different Approach to a challenging task
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Meuhedet Health Care, Rehovot, Israel
Independent Advisor
Independent addiction expert
Ministry of Education, Israel
Submission date: 2017-04-23
Acceptance date: 2017-04-24
Publication date: 2017-05-25
Corresponding author
Tzvia Kessel   

Meuhedet Health Care, #3 Weissgal St, 7632602 Rehovot, Israel
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2017;3(May Supplement):106
The aim of this project was to develop and implement a smoking cessation program for teenagers living in a government boarding school for at-risk youth.

Material and Methods:
1. Establishment of a multidisciplinary team 2. Engaging key managers within the Education Ministry 3. Conducting a pilot study 4. Educating smoking cessation experts for adapted intervention 5. Implementing the program: a. School staff engagement b. Recruitment of youth into the program c. Conducting smoking cessation groups in the school which included group and individual meetings d. Program evaluation using interviews and questionnaires.

During 2014-2016 we conducted 20 interventions in 10 schools. Overall 260 teenagers participated in the program. Following the intervention, 28% of participants reported smoking cessation and a further 61% reported a reduction in quantity.

Smoking cessation in youth is complicated, and particularly among youth at risk who lack family support. Programs in Israel for young people focus on prevention rather than cessation. This program, developed by a multidisciplinary team within the health and education fields succeeded in recruiting and supporting at-risk youth to reduce or quit smoking. By empowering both counselors and teachers at the boarding schools we ensured continuity both in the school's approach to smoking and support for those who quit, after the program was completed.
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