Step by step towards a smoke-free province: The case of Ciudad Real, Spain
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Spanish Association Against Cancer in Ciudad Real, Spain
Spanish Association Against Cancer, HQ, Spain
Publication date: 2023-04-25
Corresponding author
Carolina Castillejos Andújar   

Spanish Association Against Cancer in Ciudad Real, Spain
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2023;9(Supplement):A101
Tobacco is the main risk factor for cancer, being related to up to 1 in 3 cases. In order to achieve a "Tobacco Free Generation" by 2040, we need to target our younger population and promote healthy lifestyles where tobacco has no place. To achieve this goal, it is essential to reduce exposure to environmental tobacco smoke among the youth. It is in this context that the Smoke-Free Places project arises. Although the project is designed for implementation at local level, the team at the provincial headquarters of Ciudad Real aims to increase the impact of the project through an advocacy strategy at provincial level to increase the cost-effectiveness of the project.

Material and Methods:
With the objective of implementing this project in as many localities of the province as possible, the involvement of the political agenda was considered key and fundamental as a promotional and fundamental vehicle to achieve the maximum possible reach. It was decided to present the project to the Education and Sports councils, which were considered the most suitable because they share the same health objectives and target population (in this specific case, child protection). Once the alliance with the public bodies was established, we asked different associations and clubs in each locality to join the initiative in order to strengthen the positioning of the project.

Over the last year we have achieved that more than 215,000 people have stopped being exposed to environmental tobacco smoke in up to 61 different places. Eight municipalities have already joined this initiative and 10 more are on the way. Thus, the number of smoke-free spaces freed in Ciudad Real is almost a third of all the smoke-free spaces freed by the Spanish Association Against Cancer and the Smoke-free places project. We believe that the success of the initiative in Ciudad Real is directly related to the institutional support of the provincial government.
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