The impact of electronic cigarette and
heated tobacco products on conventional
smoking: Α prospective cohort study from
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Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research, Milan, Italy
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom
Institute for the Study and Prevention of Cancer, Florence, Italy
University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands
Italian National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy
Publication date: 2022-07-05
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2022;8(Supplement):A16
Debate continues about whether electronic cigarettes (e-cigarette)
and heated tobacco products (HTP) reduce or increase the
probability of smoking, with many studies compromised by stated
or unstated conflicts of interest.
Taking advantage of a large prospective Italian cohort study, we
evaluated the impact of novel (tobacco) products on conventional
smoking behavior.
A total of 3185 participants in a representative sample of the
general Italian population aged 18–74 years provided baseline
(April–May) and follow-up (November–December) responses in
2020, reporting smoking status and use of e-cigarettes and heated
tobacco products (HTP). We tracked transitions over that period
and report odds ratios (OR) and corresponding 95% confidence
intervals (CI) for changes in smoking in relation to baseline use of
e-cigarettes and HTPs.
Never cigarette smokers who used e-cigarettes at baseline
were much more likely to start smoking compared with never
users (OR=10.98; 95% CI: 6.62–18.23) and current HTP users
(OR=6.92; 95% CI: 3.96–12.09). The 17.2% of ex-smokers who
relapsed at follow-up were more likely to be e-cigarette users
(OR=7.05; 95% CI: 3.30–15.05) and HTP users (OR=9.78; 95%
CI: 3.62–26.49). Among current smokers at baseline, those who
had quit smoking at follow-up were 14.6% overall, but only 6.7%
among current e-cigarette users and none among current HTP
Both e-cigarette and HTP use predict starting smoking and relapse
and did not increase – and may even have reduced – smoking
cessation among current smokers. These findings do not support
the use of e-cigarettes and HTPs in tobacco control, at least in
Italy, and reinforce the importance of regulating novel (tobacco) products the same way as conventional cigarettes.