The role of Romanian Nursing Association in promoting and supporting smoking cessation
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Romanian Nursing Association, Romania
Publication date: 2019-03-26
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2019;5(Supplement):A21
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Nursing association have an important role in improving leadership, developing and implementing projects, organizing workshops, seminars. conferences, for develop nursing and for educate nurses.The ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses affirms that health promotion and illness prevention are among the fundamental responsibilities of the nurse. Nurses remain key to providing the individual help and support necessary to combat smoking.

Aim and Objectives:
To train nurses leaders and nursing students in tobacco control and treating tobacco addiction.
Nurses and nursing students need:
- to be aware that need to make prevention, because tobacco use is the cause of more diseases, and also it is preventable
- to know the risks of tobacco use and the benefits of quitting smoking, including financial ones
- to know their role as a health educator
- to be role model for theirs colleagues, for patients and their families
- to know brief interventions
- to educate colleagues, patients and their families

- PPT Presentation, Application questionnaires, Fagerstrom test
- Workshops
- Minigrants
- Seminars
- Public Events
- Street event
- Measuring the amount of CO from exhaled air with Smokerlyzer

Nurses and nursing students gained the knowledge in the field of tobacco. By applying for fundraising and developing minigrants nurses have demonstrated leadership and manager skills. Students in nursing have demonstrated their qualities as good communicators and educators for health in their relationship with the public from the street. The Library of the Nursing Association is enriched with materials: Guide for nurses, brochures, leaflets.
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