To quit smoking successfully: Former smoker's testimonies sharing knowledge to promote quitting tobacco
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Societat Catalana d’Atenció i Tractament del Consum de Tabac, Barcelona, Spain
Publication date: 2018-06-13
Corresponding author
Angela Martinez   

Societat Catalana d’Atenció i Tractament del Consum de Tabac, Barcelona, Spain
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2018;4(Supplement):A136
Quitting tobacco is a complex procedure which involves other factors than those strictly medical, such as: personal, emotional, social... Smokers need encouraging messages to make the final decision to quit. At this point, the active participation of the pacients themselves in their own health is changing the perspective of the medical attention provided so far. This is why sharing ex-smokers successful experiences could change the way of managing these patients. We are designed a website,, where former smokers experiences can be posted, so that they can be a role model that inspires other smokers to choose the same path. Afterwards, the effect of these recommendations would be evaluated.

Promotion of the website within health professionals, social media and social networks. Collection of former smokers stories. Revision of the content and post of the stories with a score scale. Reward the best story to promote participation.

In 18 months the website has received 30 stories of former smokers, and 343 visits had read and evaluated them.

The use of this website is low due to the dependence of publicity of such services. An increase of visibility and knowledge about this tool is needed in order to evaluate the impact of this iniciative later on. Also, an assessment of the contest's impact among the participants is required.

Not funded.
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