Urologists' perceptions and behaviors related to tobacco use
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Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, United States
Publication date: 2023-10-08
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Richard Matulewicz   

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, United States
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2023;9(Supplement 2):A93
Tobacco use is a causative or exacerbating risk factor for benign and malignant urologic disease. However, urologists have not traditionally been active as frontline clinicians in the treatment of tobacco use. Understanding urologists’ contemporary perceptions and behaviors can allow for intervention design to overcome barriers to optimal care.

We seek to review the extent literature related to urologists’ perceptions, behaviors, and norms related to tobacco use assessment and treatment. A literature search was performed alongside relevant published works by the presenting author.

Most urologists recognize the importance of tobacco use assessment and treatment as well as the relationship between tobacco use and urologic disease. However, few urologists report delivery of guideline concordant care, which includes routine screening for use and evidence-based treatment (pharmacologic and behavioral counseling), in the outpatient setting. Reported barriers to screening and treatment in the urology clinic include a lack of time, training, and comfort with recommended processes. Differences among training and country/region exist. Overcoming these barriers with multi-level implementation efforts can improve tobacco screening and treatment in the urology setting which will translate into better patient outcomes.

The author has no conflicts of interest to disclose.
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