Using the COM-B model to identify barriers and facilitators in smoking behaviour to support both stop smoking practitioners and service users at everyone health, England
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Everyone Health Limited, England, United Kingdom
Publication date: 2023-10-08
Corresponding author
Elizabeth Gilbert   

Everyone Health Limited, England, United Kingdom
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2023;9(Supplement 2):A50
The COM-B model of behaviour is a simple and easy framework that can be translated effectively for many purposes, including in the delivery of public health interventions, such as stop smoking services.

Training and a tailored tool to support the implementation of the COM-B model in intervention delivery was developed, to increase and improve application of the model and service user outcomes.

Everyone Health include training on the COM-B model as part of their mandatory training for all practitioners across all services. In addition, a pre/post evaluated workshop to translate the theory into practice was developed, including a tool for practitioners to use to identify barriers and facilitators for service users when planning behaviour change and achievement of their goals.

Everyone Health’s Stop Smoking Practitioners feel better equipped to support service users to identify barriers and facilitators to achieve their behaviour change goals. Provisional evaluation shows that by providing Stop Smoking Practitioners with simple and effective tools to implement the COM-B model has increased their confidence and competence in using the model and has improved service user outcomes. For example, if barriers are identified in Physical and Social Opportunity, such as someone trying to make a quit attempt but they associate breaktimes at work with smoking, which would be a barrier in these areas, a change to overcome these barriers would be to use their NRT (an inhalator) and go for a walk during their breaktime, as opposed to standing with work colleagues in the smoking area.

Everyone Health have adapted and tailored the COM-B model to intervention type and have demonstrated that it can easily be translated to stop smoking delivery and can improve outcomes for service users and Stop Smoking Practitioner confidence in delivery.
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
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