Work Package 4 of the Joint Action on Tobacco Control 2: Sustainability and cooperation across Europe
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National Addiction and Doping Center, Italian National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy
Publication date: 2022-07-05
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2022;8(Supplement):A51
The general objective of the WP 4 of JATC 2, is to ensure that the activities of the Joint Action 2 are developed and continue after the end of the project, through sustainable resources and the further development of the EU cooperation on tobacco control activities. A close collaboration with vertical WPs is ongoing in order to achieve the identification of best practices, to ensure the sustainability of the activities and to organize webinars for strengthening the cooperation among EU Member States.

Specific objectives are: a) To promote collaboration with other EU MS and national, regional and international bodies and organizations involved in tobacco control and regulatory science and policy; b) To facilitate the exchange of knowledge and to identify best practices related to the TPD and TAD through production of guidance documents and a core questionnaire; and c) To identify and provide linkages between JATC 2 actions and Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan.

Webinars are planned on the following topics: NCD reduction and links to the Europe’s beating Cancer Plan, tobacco industry interference, SHS and TAPS, Tobacco endgame strategies, and Sustainability. Documentation and literature review for the Guidance documents in collaboration with WP8 and WP9. Preparation of documents related to identification of linkages between JATC2 activities and Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and the frames of cooperation with EC.

The Guidance documents: How to identify best practices and Core module questionnaire to identify potential best practices (Milestone 4.3 and 4.4) were finalized. These documents provide a common basis to be adjusted for WP8 and WP9- specific questionnaires. Milestones 4.1: Identify a list of topics and deliverables of the JATC 2 that could facilitate the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, and 4.2: Identify the frames of cooperation with the European Commission concerning possible contribution to Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, were also prepared.

WP4 activities are progressing and other material will be produced throughout the duration of the project in collaboration with other WPs.
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