Work Package 6 of the Joint Action on Tobacco Control 2: Enforcement of the Tobacco Products Directive through the establishment of a knowledge sharing hub network
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Danish Safety Technology Authority, Esbjerg, Denmark
Publication date: 2022-07-05
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2022;8(Supplement):A47
As it is stated in the problem analysis of the JATC2 project proposal: It is time to re-strategize and develop a collective approach to improve the implementation of the TPD and develop endgame strategies.

The general objective of WP6 is to strengthen the EU Member States’ capacities in the enforcement of tobacco product regulation at the EU Member States and EU-wide level through the sharing of common experiences, challenges and solutions.

In WP6 specific objectives are to map all EU authorities within the field of tobacco regulation, in order to establish a network of tobacco regulation authorities. The purpose is to enhance knowledge sharing between enforcement authorities across the EU. Knowledge is shared in knowledge hub meetings, and later on a knowledge-sharing platform in order to create a knowledge hub network. Knowledge Hub Meetings are a space for member states to teach and to learn. The purpose is an open and active dialog concerning everyday issues regarding tobacco enforcement. The aim is to give participants concrete and valuable tools they can use. The purpose of creating a Knowledge Hub Platform is to create an archive, which will serve as a knowledge database on tobacco enforcement. The archive will be accessible to all relevant EU authorities.

We have identified and mapped almost all the relevant EU authorities, which is now in use as a contact list. We have also hosted the first of six Knowledge Hub Meetings. The topics were menthol in cigarettes and tobacco surrogates, with presentations from different member states, where the participants had the opportunity to ask follow-up questions. The next meeting will be in October/November.

WP6 activities are progressing.
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