An analysis of smoking cessation behaviours in the Republic of Ireland
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Public Health Specialist Registrar, Health Service Executive East, Ireland
Specialist in Public Health Medicine, Department of Public Health, Health Service Executive North East, Ireland
Publication date: 2018-06-13
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Naomi Petty-Saphon   

Public Health Specialist Registrar, Health Service Executive East, Ireland
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2018;4(Supplement):A26
The policy 'Tobacco Free Ireland' sets a target for Ireland to be smoke free (a smoking prevalence of less than 5%) by 2025. This study aimed to describe patterns of smoking cessation and identify determinants of quit attempts and the use of smoking cessation aids in the adult general population in Ireland.

A secondary analysis of an annual cross-sectional nationally representative survey was undertaken. Multivariable logistic regression models were performed to identify 1, factors associated with making quit attempts, and 2, factors associated with the use of help in a quit attempt.

In excess of 500,000 smokers made a quit attempt in 2015, but over half (50.3%) of these were made without the use of help. Smokers in more deprived areas were as likely to make a quit attempt as smokers in less deprived areas, were more likely to use help in a quit attempt but were less likely to be successful. The odds of a smoker living in the most deprived area making a successful quit attempt less than half that of a smoker living in the least deprived area (OR 0.45, 95% CI 0.27 to 0.73). Motivation to quit had the largest effect on making quit attempts and using help in quit attempts. Younger smokers were more likely to make a quit attempt but less likely to use help, smokers with higher levels of tobacco dependency were less likely to have made a quit attempt, but more likely to use help when they did make a quit attempt. Gender was found to be an effect modifier.

This work identified that the MPOWER elements need to be continued and strengthened to mobilise intention to quit and provide an environment to facilitate effective smoking cessation. As well as general risk approaches, high risk approaches are required.
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