Generation Y (Millennials) toward health and tobacco - a look at their needs, beliefs and behaviours
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Foundation "Smart Health - Health in 3D"
Publication date: 2018-06-13
Corresponding author
Krzysztof Przewozniak   

Foundation "Smart Health - Health in 3D"
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2018;4(Supplement):A27
To evaluate the needs, beliefs and behaviors of Generation Y toward health and tobacco.

Material and Methods:
Two types of research analysis will be done in order to evaluate health and tobacco beliefs and behaviors of Generation Y: 1/ review of scientific literature, research reports and press articles on attitudes of Generation Y toward health, 2/ pilot qualitative study on health and tobacco beliefs and behaviors conducted among users of selected websites dedicated to Generation Y. For this paper, Generation Y is defined as birth cohort from the early 1980s to the early 2000s (therefore, called also Millennials).

There are few research studies and reports on health behaviors of Millenials defined as specific demographic and social category. However, this generation constitutes today important segment of population and becomes substantial for both public health reform and socio-economic development. Millennials are first generation that seriously critisize and do not want to continue risky health behaviors of their parents, including traditional tobacco use. Millennials are more healthy population, with lower risk of chronic diseases and lower health care utilization. They rather define health as well-being and healthy life style than lack of disease. Generation Y tends to invest in evidence-based, cost-effective and flexible health care and tobacco control strategies. However, they like much more liberal, open-minded and individual-oriented activities than restrictive policies. Millennials are also open for new challenges and technologies and therefore accept innovative and novel tobacco products such as slims, ENDS and HNBs. They think digitally, actively promote their health beliefs in Internet and often act like cyber tribe closed in informative bubble.

Generation Y might be helpful in combating against tobacco epidemic. However, some elements of the present public health and tobacco control strategies have to be adapted to needs, beliefs and behaviors of Millennials.

The study research team does not have any affiliation, financial or otherwise, with a tobacco industry or any other commercial company and the research project was not granted by these entities.
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