Antismoking campaign to keep youngsters between 12 and 15 years from smoking by diving into their own world
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Kom op tegen Kanker (Stand up to Cancer), Belgium
Publication date: 2018-06-13
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2018;4(Supplement):A10
Create an awareness campaign to keep youngsters between 12 and 15 years from smoking, focus on youngsters in vocational education, since they are more vulnerable to start smoking, they start smoking at an earlier age and they smoke more cigarettes.

Material and Methods:
- We started with qualitative research of the target group to get an idea of their world, by means of focus groups and we determined the right channels how to reach youngsters.

- Development of creative concepts and testing in focus groups

- In total we had 3 waves of “Vloggers vs Cigarettes” and a campaign with a song in the 4th wave over a period of 2 years, these were all submitted to an evaluation.
During 3 campaign waves Youtube-stars made vlogs about toxic substances in cigarettes After that a Belgian rap-artist created a song that was launched on Youtube and Spotify and that artist also launched a number of vlogs. We also set up a collaboration with a Belgian radio channel, set up a contest and created content about cigarettes in their radio programmes.

Quantitative evaluation of the impact of the campaign after the first wave (online questionnaire): some of the results: 6 out of 10 youngsters who knew the campaign liked it very much. It had positive word of mouth and a positive impact on attitude towards smoking. It increases awareness that smoking is bad and it acknowledged the youngsters in their belief that you should not start to smoke. The campaign gave them arguments to convince others not to smoke, stimulate smokers to stop or the smoke less, etc.

During the third wave we reached 81 % of all young people on Facebook, 80% on Instagram and 90% on snapchat.

The YouTube song of the 4th wave currently (09/05/2018) has 1,65 million views on YouTube.
Within our main target group (MTG); 67 % appreciates our campaign. It makes them reflect on smoking and about half of the people within the MTG mentions that they learned something they didn’t know before. Figures also clearly show that we were able to reach the youngsters in vocational education.
67 % of the non-smoking viewers of our campaign within our MTG used the campaign as a reason to convince others to quit smoking.

Our evaluation showed that we clearly use the right channels to reach our target group: Youtube, Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram. Also the rapartist turned out to be the right choice for our MTG.

We were able to set up a successful campaign to keep youngsters from smoking, thanks to a thorough research of the target group and thanks to pretesting of the creative concepts.

The campaigns were largely funded by our own ONG and part of the costs were funded by the Flemish Government.
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