Profile of the tobacco and cannabis consumer students of the university of the Murcia
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Department of Socio-Health Sciences. Faculty of Medicine. University of Murcia, Spain
Health Promotion and Health Education Service. Murcia Regional Government Health Department, Spain
Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Faculty of Psychology. University of Murcia, Spain
REUS-UMU Healthy University Office. Vice-Rectorate of Students, Internationalization and Sports. University of Murcia, Spain
Publication date: 2018-06-13
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Adelaida Lozano-Polo   

Department of Socio-Health Sciences. Faculty of Medicine. University of Murcia, Spain
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2018;4(Supplement):A11
The aim of this study was to identify the profile of the tobacco and cannabis consumer students of the University of Murcia (UMU), Spain.

Material and Methods:
A cross-sectional study of UMU students, with a cluster random sampling method and using a self-administered questionnaire, was performed in 2012. Percentages were calculated. The chi-square test was employed to analyze the relation with socio-economic variables. The U-Mann-Whitney test was used to compare the average age of initiation of tobacco consumption. Database in SPSS V-21.

946 students were surveyed (Response Rate: 95.4%). 29.7% of students smoke (boys:26.8%; girls:31.1%), daily 16.4% (boys:16.2%; girls:16.6%). 14.9% have used cannabis in the last month (occasionally:10.9%; weekly:2.5%; daily:1.5%), higher consumption in boys than in girls (21% vs. 12.2%; p=0.001). After trying cannabis, 40.4% reported a current consumption (boys:39.4%; girls:27.2; p<0.001).

42% of tobacco smokers use cannabis (boys:60%; girls:34.1%; p<0.001). There are significant differences (p<0.05) between tobacco consumers and dual consumers (tobacco and cannabis) in relation to sex, course, living and working situation, and level of studies and employment status of parents.

The average age of initiation of tobacco consumption is 15.75 years (SD:2.095) and of cannabis 16.48 years (SD:2.032). The average age of onset in tobacco consumption is lower in dual consumers (15.45 ±2.117 years) than in those who only smoke tobacco (16.09 ±2.602 years).

1. Profile of the consumer of tobacco and cannabis: Spanish boy of the third course, single, who does not work, with working parents and having a secondary education level.

2. The age of onset in dual consumers is slightly lower than that of tobacco consumers only.

3. It is necessary to promote actions aimed at reducing the consumption of tobacco and cannabis at the University with a gender and equity perspective, with the Healthy Universities projects being a good strategic framework.

This research has been funded by the Foundation for Healthcare Training and Research (FFIS) of the Murcia Region, Spain -
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