Assessment of factors affecting the duration and quality of tobacco dependence remissions based on the annual reports of tobacco dependence treatment rooms of the Russian Federation
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Federal Medical Research Center of Psychiatry and Addiction, Ministry of Health Care, Russia
Publication date: 2019-03-26
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2019;5(Supplement):A41
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One of the relevant and significant directions of improving the quality of tobacco dependence therapy is the ability to predict the duration of abstinence from Smoking on the basis of clinical evaluation of therapeutic remissions.

Comparative study of the results of complex therapy of tobacco dependence in 18 regions of the Russian Federation with the analysis of clinical features of emerging therapeutic remissions.

The results of tobacco dependence therapy, conducted by psychiatrists-narcologists in 18 regions of the Russian Federation evaluated in 6 and 12 months after the anti-nicotine therapy, were investigated. The effectiveness was characterized by quitting, ranged from 38.8% to 68% after therapy course, from 29.5% to 50% - after 6 months, from 25.3% to 38% - after 12 months. The best results were in 8 regions where the combined therapy of tobacco dependence was carried out: the combination of nicotine replacement and receptor therapy with small doses of psychotropic drugs, psychotherapy, non-drug therapies. Factors that worsen the prognosis - pharmacoresistance to drugs for nicotine dependence therapy (Nicorette, Champix), the presence of incomplete remission after quitting.

New directions to increase the efficiency of results of treatment of tobacco dependence – the improvement of clinical and diagnostic evaluation of Smoking patients, the use of complex pathogenetic therapy.
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