Building capacity of health promoters on cancer primary and secondary prevention: a pilot evaluation of the Cancer Prevention Europe multilingual online program
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International Agency for Research on Cancer, Environmental and Lifestyle Epidemiology Branch, France
Publication date: 2023-04-25
Corresponding author
Ariadna Feliu   

1International Agency for Research on Cancer, Environmental and Lifestyle Epidemiology Branch, 25 avenue Tony Garnier, CS 90627, 69366 Lyon CEDEX 07, France
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2023;9(Supplement):A171
Four million new cancer cases are diagnosed annually in Europe; of which, 40% could be prevented. The European Code Against Cancer (ECAC) informs on actions to take to reduce cancer risk, including not to smoke neither use any form of tobacco, make homes smoke free and support smoke-free policies in the workplace. Yet public’s awareness is low. We aimed to assess the effectiveness of the Cancer Prevention Europe (CPE) multilingual learning program to empower health promoters to give advice on evidence-based cancer prevention measures to communities.

Material and Methods:
The program consisting of two sets of free online self-learning modules. The first includes a module for each of the ECAC recommendations, and a module on the ECAC methodology. The second presents the latest evidence and tackles myths and controversies related to these topics; including novel tobacco products, e-cigarettes, and the success of tobacco control policies. A comprehensive evaluation on the first set of modules following the Kirkpatrick’s model was designed to assess: trainees’ satisfaction with the training; learning outcomes; behavioral change and improvement; and acquisition and use of competences. Data is collected in 2-time points: immediately after completion; and 4-months after.

Twenty-two learners conducted the evaluation; but only six completed it. Learners were mostly females (14/22), aged 20-39 years old (16/22), working in universities (7/22) and hospitals (5/22). Half of learners did not have previous training on cancer prevention. Most of them were satisfied with the structure, length, and content of the modules. Tobacco and screening were considered the most relevant topics for their work. Learners reported having gained new knowledge about how to explain primary (18/22) and secondary (16/22) prevention measures to others and planning to apply it to their daily practice (16/22). At follow-up, learners unanimously reported an increased confidence to raise awareness about the ECAC, explain scientific evidence underlying these recommendations, and advocate for cancer prevention.

The CPE learning succeeds to increase health promoters’ knowledge and confidence to offer cancer prevention counselling to the community, including on tobacco identified as the most relevant topic for learners’ work.
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