Changes in the tobacco use and other
substances of young students in Albania
during the COVID-19 pandemic
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Department of Healthcare, Faculty of Health, University of Vlora, Vlora, Albania
School of Medicine, University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece
Publication date: 2024-10-17
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2024;10(Supplement 1):A7
The use of tobacco, alcohol, and other substances among the
young population is a phenomenon that has increased steadily in
the last decades. The use of these products has several short- and
long-term implications for the health of users. The COVID-19
pandemic has had significant consequences for the use of tobacco
and other substances especially among youngsters. This study
aimed to assess the changes in tobacco and other substance use
during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This is a cross-sectional study conducted from April to June 2022
among Vlora University students, in Albania. Based on the needs
of the current work, parts of the C19 ISWS Questionnaire were
translated, adapted, and used. Data were collected online through
Google Forms. Dissemination of the questionnaire was conducted
through institutional student emails as well as on different social
media platforms. Data analysis was conducted using IBM SPSS
Statistics 21.
In total 210 students took part in the study with 53.3% of them
being females and a mean age of 23.98 (SD=2.873). Among the
participants, 33.3% were smokers, 7.1% were ex-smokers and the
rest of them (59.5%) did not smoke. There were some changes
in tobacco consumption before and during the COVID-19
pandemic. In comparison before and during the pandemic, there
was an increase of 5.2% in those who didn’t smoke and a slight
increase (1.9%) in those who smoked daily. Additionally, there is
a decrease of 4.3% and 2.9% of those who smoke once per week
and more than once per week respectively. Similar differences
have been observed also in the number of smoked cigarettes. The
consumption of other substances (like marijuana) has decreased
during the pandemic). Key factors for changing their behavior
towards tobacco consumption were fear of getting infected with
COVID-19, health concerns, cost of the product, quarantine/
social distance, etc.
This study shows that the number of nonsmokers decreased
during the pandemic period. Healthcare systems need to exploit
this situation to provide regular health advice and assistance for
remaining quit.
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.