Communication supporting strategy of the new SF law enforcement during martial law in Ukraine
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Advocacy Center LIFE, Kyiv, Ukraine
Publication date: 2023-10-08
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Oksana Levytska   

Advocacy Center LIFE, Kyiv, Ukraine
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2023;9(Supplement 2):A41
Approximately 13 000 Ukrainian non-smokers die as the result of being exposed to second-hand smoke. Anti-tobacco law 1978-IX regulating e-cigarettes and HTPs was adopted in December 2021. Its smoke-free provision came to force in July 2022 (public spaces and workplaces are 100% exempt from any secondary tobacco and nicotine emissions). Due to the military full scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine, conducting smoke-free implementation communication support for the Government was very challenging.

Raise awareness of new SF regulations (incl. SF for HTPs). Build supporting environment for new SF law enforcement.

PHC of the MOH of Ukraine, NGO Life and Vital Strategies conducted the multi-channel integrated mass-media campaign “No smoking friendly. Taking care of your health is your contribution to victory”. The campaign incorporated SF messaging to warn about harms of SHS, new SF regulations, complaining service and strong supportive messages which resonate with Ukrainians during martial law. Sociological agency KIIS conducted the end line survey among Ukrainian smokers and nonsmokers aged 18-55 to evaluate the knowledge and attitudes towards the SF regulations and the effectiveness of the mass-media campaign.

Estimated, the “No smoking friendly” campaign reached 20 million people on TV, street posters, Indoor and social media despite a very limited budget and martial law. Some of the sociological survey conclusions: 48% know about new anti-tobacco measures 78% responders would take some measures in case someone smokes in a place where it is prohibited 85% agreed that the materials were easy to understand According to public monitoring (end of 2022) about 80% of cafes, bars and restaurants in Ukraine comply with the ban on smoking indoors.

Mass media communication is an integral effective component to support the TC law implementation. Strategic partnership between government, domestic and international public health non-for-profit organizations and private companies was a key to success. During the war it is especially important to continue strong TC activities to save the life and health of Ukrainians.
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
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