Denormalization of tobacco in a Primary Health Center
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Equip d’Atenció Primària Marc Aureli, CAP Adrià, Institut Català de la Salut, Barcelona, Spain
Publication date: 2023-04-25
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Xavier Blancafort   

Equip d’Atenció Primària Marc Aureli, CAP Adrià, Institut Català de la Salut, Barcelona, Spain
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2023;9(Supplement):A144
Health professionals are a model. To advance in the denormalization of tobacco smoking among them it is necessary to work on attitudes. Objectives: Decrease the prevalence of professionals who smoke with the involvement of colleagues and describe the attitudes of professionals in relation to the smoking habit.

Material and Methods:
Sample and study population coincide in all the professionals of a Primary Care Center located in a socioeconomically rich neighborhood of the city of Barcelona during the 2nd semester of 2022. The project invites all active smokers to quit smoking for 6 months. Those who succeed opt for an award. To achieve this, a group dishabituation workshop is held, and a WhatsApp group is created to provide timely and immediate support. The entire team is asked to promote a tobacco-free workplace and rest environment. A tobacco-free rooftop leisure space is created. The project is evaluated through a personal interview with each professional.

13 of the 114 professionals (62% of smokers) undertake to quit smoking. 69% manage not to smoke for more than 29 days. 23% remain smoke-free during 6 months. 84% of all professionals consider that the smoking habit is not a personal issue. 77% recognize the exemplary role of the healthcare professional. 77% rate the project positively and claim to have encouraged some colleagues. 38% consider that the presence of smoking health professionals in front of the health center does not bother them and 33% do not like it, but do not say anything.

The prevalence of tobacco smoking among health professionals decreases from 20 to 17%. Participation and abstinence rates are higher than similar projects. The team is involved in supporting smokers, and they perceive it. The discrepancy between the professionals' opinion on the smoking habit and the normalization of this habit in the vicinity of the health center opens a point of intervention for future projects.
There is no conflict of interest.
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