Dentists in providing tobacco cessation services: Factors assist and resist
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Thumbay Dental Hospital, United Arab Emirates
Gulf Medical University, United Arab Emirates
Publication date: 2019-03-26
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2019;5(Supplement):A7
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The use of tobacco and its related health effects has emerged as a serious health problem. In a largest survey conducted in the UAE, the point prevalence of active cigarette smoking among men and women was 24% and 1% respectively. Dentists have the opportunity to assist their patients to change their habit of tobacco use. Studies reported that brief interventions of motivating tobacco users to make quit attempt within the dental settings may increase the chance of tobacco abstinence.

To determine the factors which assist and the dentists in delivering tobacco cessation advice to their patients in Northern Emirates, UAE.

Cross sectional study design was used in this study. Dentists practicing in hospitals, dental clinics, poly clinics and Primary Health Care Centers in the Northern Emirates, UAE were the study population. A validated pilot tested questionnaire was used in this study. 250 dentists participated in the study; participants were recruited conveniently.

Majority (63%) reported of poor practice towards tobacco cessation advice as compared to those with good practice (37%). Around 61.6% perceived lack of patient’s interest as the most common preventing factors. Nearly 90% responded distribution of relevant educational materials and availability of appropriate referral system as facilitating factors in providing advice.

Unavailability of appropriate referral services, lack of interests of patients, lack of printed resources and lack of training were commonly reported barriers. While distribution of relevant educational materials and provision of training opportunities were reported to be significant facilitating factors.
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