E-cigarettes as a smoking cessation tool: efficacy versus addiction
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University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Luliu Hatieganu", Cluj Napoca, Romania
University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Grigore T. Popa", Iasi, Romania
Aer Pur Romania (APR), Bucharest, Romania
Publication date: 2019-03-26
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2019;5(Supplement):A105
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Currently, there are conflicting data regarding the use e-cigarettes as a tool for smoking cessation. This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of e-cigarettes as a smoking tool among Romanian consumers.

A questionnaire was applied online on 22 profile groups (Rovapers, Carpathian Vapers, Romanian Vapers ets.) between May- November 2016.Were included all subjects that smoked or were currently smoking e-cigarettes and subjects that tried e-cigarettes. The statistical analysis was made using MedCalc Statistical Software version 17.5.5.

810 out of 13 616 subjects that viewed the questionnaire filled it in. 13 questionnaire were not completed, so 797 subjects were left in the end. Median age was 24 years old, mostly men (63.5%), former smokers of classic cigars (46.8%). The main reason of starting smoking e-cigarettes was the need to reduce or cessation of classic cigarettes, especially in heavy smokers. Fewer negative health effects, the fact that it can be used without nicotine and has lower prices than classic tobacco were among the factors that contribute in switching to electronic device. 60.7 % of heavy smokers quit and 15% significantly reduced the cigars, after starting e-cigarettes.

The results of this study, alongside other data from the literature 1,2 are optimistic in recommending e-cigarettes as a safe smoking cessations tool, especially in heavy smokers3. However the lack of data regarding long term side effects and the fact that smoking E-cigarettes stimulated the need for classic cigars, or even increased the desire to smoke more impose some cautions preventing solid recommendation.
1. Trofor A, Man MA, Marginean C et al. Smoking cessation for free: outcomes of a study of three Romanian clinics. Open Medicine. 2016 11( 1): 605-10 2. Lotrean LM, Varga B. Popa M et al. Opinions and practices regarding electronic cigarette use among Romanian high school students. Gaceta Sanitaria. 2016. 30 (5): 366-69. 3. Trofor A., Petris O., Trofor L., Man M.A., Filipeanu D., Miron R. Biochemistry in assessing tobacco exposure - smokers versus non-smokers -correlations with clinical practice. Revista de Chimie. 2017. 68(5):1002-1006.
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