Establishing a reference group of tobacco products representative of the EU market to support the decision on whether a tobacco product has a characterising flavour: Findings from the EUREST-FLAVOURS project
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University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece
Publication date: 2019-03-26
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2019;5(Supplement):A104
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The European Union (EU) Tobacco Product Directive (TPD) bans tobacco products with characterising flavours. The objective of the EUREST-FLAVOURS project is to support the European Commission in the specification of the methodology to support the decision on whether a tobacco product has a characterising flavour– based on a comparison with reference products. The aim of the current analysis was to propose a list of potential tobacco products, to be considered as part of a ‘reference’ group of products.

We used a combination of data sources, including but not limited to commercial sales data and data submitted via the EU Common Entry Gate (EU-CEG) and applied a random sampling among strata approach.

The identified list of potential reference tobacco products includes leading and non-leading brands representing a broad geographical distribution of products across the EU. The potential reference products further cover a wide range of tobacco product characteristics.

Using a robust methodology, we proposed two separate lists (boxed cigarettes and RYO tobacco) of potential reference products. The final list of reference products will be a valid and comprehensive representation of tobacco products currently sold on the EU-market that are currently considered as not imparting a characterising flavour.
The EUREST-FLAVOURS Project takes place with the financial support of the European Commission Single framework Contract Chafea/2016/Health/36.
The content represents the views of the EUREST-FLAVOURS Consortium and is its sole responsibility; it can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or Chafea or any other body of the European Union.
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