New challenges for WHO FCTC compliance in Russia and Eurasian Economic Union
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Sechenov University, Russian Public Health Association, Russian Federation
Moscow GBOU “PK N18 Mitino”, Russian Federation
Russian Public Health Association, Russian Federation
FGAU "LRC" Minzdrava Rossii, Russian Federation
Publication date: 2019-03-26
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2019;5(Supplement):A103
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Introduction According to GATS 2009 vs 2016, prevalence of current smoking among adults in Russia declined from 39.4% to 30.9%; number of deaths from tobacco use in 2015 was about 300,000. New challenges for WHO FCTC compliance emerged.

Review of official documents and industry sources.

Tobacco smoking and sales of cigarettes in Russia are declining, opposite for novel products: vapes, e-cigarettes and heated tobacco. Legal provisions on smoking cessation for about 30 mln smokers did not materialize yet. National tobacco control strategy outlining legal regulations for 2010-5 expired; drafting for 2016/7/8/9 continues. Tobacco industry promotes novel products as harm reduction; provides massive foreign direct investment, enjoys concessions/privileges from State and support from business, education, research and health organizations, NGOs; PMI is leading. Russia in eyes of industry belongs to region of Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa. Regulation of novel tobacco products is absent. Taxation of tobacco products is inadequate, favors industry interests and novel products. Russia is turning into global center for production and dissemination, including illegal, of novel tobacco products. Pro-tobacco policy is increasingly formulated by supranational Eurasian economic union (EAEU), which is not party to WHO FCTC, and has no relations with WHO; EAEU regulations on tobacco excise might not correspond to WHO FCTC compliance by EAEU Member States; EAEU FTA favor tobacco.

Tobacco use prevention and control based on WHO FCTC compliance is of primary importance for Russia and EAEU; EAEU should join Convention and Protocol to eliminate illicit trade in tobacco products.
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