ENSP Youth Group: a new approach for tobacco control in the European Region and beyond
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European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention, Brussels, Belgium
Publication date: 2023-10-08
Corresponding author
Zaruhi Grigoryan   

European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention, Brussels, Belgium
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2023;9(Supplement 2):A104
The importance of youth engagement in tobacco control is vastly recognized. It provides a dual opportunity on the one hand to protect the youth itself by raising their awareness of the tobacco epidemic and on the other hand to encourage the influx of innovative and creative minds and bring an original perspective to diverse aspects of tobacco control.

Material and Methods:
Starting in 2018, the European Network for Smoking Prevention (ENSP) established a working group of young ENSP members to mark the start of the youth-oriented approach to tobacco control in the European Region. Since its conception, 65 total members of the Youth Group have been engaged in an overall 37 events: online (19) and face-to-face (14) meetings, and capacity-building (4) activities that aimed to accelerate youth engagement in tobacco control.

Currently, the group expanded throughout the region to include 37 active young leaders and advocates for tobacco control in total 24 countries in 2 continents. Throughout the years, this multidisciplinary group of young leaders embarked on the consolidation of the three pillars of the ENSPNext activity, i.e. research and capacity building, advocacy and policy, as well as communication and collaboration. Activities include the development of materials (35), presentation of abstracts submitted to different conferences (23), implementation of multi-country digital campaigns (6), participation in international scientific conferences (9), recruitment campaigns (4), events organized (10), and signed official partnerships with international youth organizations (2).

The early outcomes of the ENSP Youth Group reaffirm the importance of youth-oriented initiatives and signify the potential impact of youth engagement in tobacco control across the involved countries. Future concerted youth-oriented efforts must be deployed in order to expand and enhance the reach of youth initiatives and eventually elevate the ENSP Youth Group's impact to a larger scale.
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
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