Call to achieve a tobacco-free environment and the first European tobacco-free generation by 2030 (ECI-TFE) - The reality of European citizen initiatives
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1, Madrid, Spain
European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention, Brussels, Belgium
Cancer Patients Europe, Brussels, Belgium
Publication date: 2023-10-08
Corresponding author
Raquel Fernández Megina, Madid, Spain
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2023;9(Supplement 2):A114
Given the need to stop the introduction of tobacco and nicotine consumption by new generations, the Spanish association involves ENSP, and a large part of its members, in the registration of the European citizen initiative “CALL TO ACHIEVE A TOBACCO-FREE ENVIRONMENT AND THE FIRST EUROPEAN TOBACCO-FREE GENERATION BY 2030” (ECI-TFE), which is accepted by the European Commission in August 2022.

The ECI-TFE has six objectives: 1. Promote the first tobacco-free European generation, ending the sale of tobacco and nicotine products to citizens born since 2010. 2. Create an European Net of tobacco-free and butts-free beaches and riverbanks, making this spaces more healthy and environmentally sustainable. 3. Establish an European Net of tobacco-free and butts-free National Parks making them more healthy and reducing contamination and risk of fires. 4. Extend outdoor smoke and vapor free spaces, especially those frequented by minors (parks, swimming pools, sports events and centers, shows and restaurants terraces). 5. Eliminate tobacco advertising and presence in audiovisual productions, social media, specially addressing covert advertising through influencers and product placement. 6. Finance R&D projects for diseases caused by tobacco use to improve their prognosis and make them curable.

Material and Methods:
Ongoing collection of 1 million signatures from European Citizens from at least 7 different countries of the EU. The signatures are collected on line through the European Commission Central online collection system until January 16th, 2024 (12 months since the beginning of collection starting date).

A new European legislations/directive which address the six objectives of the initiative and to put Tobacco Control in the agenda of all Politic Parties the year before to the European parliament Elections.

Although the European Commission presents the European Citizens' Initiatives as a unique way for EU citizens to propose new laws, the reality is that, since it is not accompanied by any type of budget, it is very difficult and almost impossible for ordinary citizens to be able to spread their initiatives to the rest of Europeans to collect the necessary 1 million signatures. Only with a sufficient budget to hire communication agencies is it possible to reach all citizens, which is only within the reach of large companies or organisations. This is not something that can be achieved only with voluntary work.

The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
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