Session proposal: Tobacco control and cessation in Poland: past, present and future
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Institute - European Observatory of Health Inequalities, Calisia University, Kalisz, Poland
Health Promotion Foundation, Nadarzyn, Poland
Calisia University, Kalisz, Poland
Institute of Epidemiology and Healthcare at University College London, London, United Kingdom
Tobacco Research and Treatment Center, Division of General Internal Medicine and Mongan Institute, Department of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, United States
Centre for Behaviour Change, University College London, London, United Kingdom
National Research Institute of Oncology, Warsaw, Poland
Institute of Family Health, Calisia University, Kalisz, Poland
Publication date: 2023-10-08
Corresponding author
Witold A Zatoński   

Institute - European Observatory of Health Inequalities, Calisia University, Kalisz, Poland
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2023;9(Supplement 2):A115
Poland is a country of successful tobacco control history. In early 2000. the World Health Organization labelled the Polish law as an ‘example to the rest of the world’. It was a hub of anti-tobacco measures in Central and Eastern Europe. Apart from establishing successful educational and intervention campaigns, Poland also significantly contributed to research on treatment of tobacco dependence. It was a pioneering country conducting first clinical trial on cytisine confirming its effectiveness and safety in quitting smoking. Currently, such studies are being conducted all over the world. Unfortunately, in the last years some distressing and alarming changes have been observed in Poland. In 2015 the “National programme to reduce health consequences of tobacco smoking” was suspended. Economic policy of tobacco ceased to be effective. Tobacco affordability increased. Declining trend of cigarette consumption reversed. About 7 million people still smoke in Poland, however if no immediate action is taken, the burden of tobacco-related diseases will start to increase. During this session, we would like to discuss current challenges for tobacco control in Poland at the background of its historical achievements. In the face of rising trends of cigarette consumption, we would like to underline the role of cytisine as potential “aspirin” for smoking cessation by summarizing studies on cytisine around the world and discussing the future of clinical practice and research on treatment of tobacco dependence, including the power of AI and machine learning. After the session we would like to prepare an appeal to Polish government to undertake immediate action against rising trends of cigarette sale in Poland and return to the effective “National programme to reduce health consequences of tobacco smoking”. We would like to ask participants of the conference, tobacco control leaders and scientific experts for their support and be a warning for other European countries.
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
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