GYTS country report from Czech Republic: Current and long-term trends in the use of tobacco and nicotine products among 13-15 years old students by Petra Kamaradova, Czech Republic
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National Institute of Public Health, Vinohrady, Czech Republic
Publication date: 2023-10-08
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Petra Kamaradova   

National Institute of Public Health, Vinohrady, Czech Republic
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2023;9(Supplement 2):A116
The results of GYTS 2022 in the Czech Republic show that almost half of students (47.3 %) reported ever used tobacco. Total of 16.4 % students reported current tobacco use, currently smokes cigarettes 11.2 %. By comparison, in 2002, 34.6% of students reported currently smoking cigarettes. On the other hand, e-cigarette use has increased from 11.2% since 2016 to 21.4 % in 2022 and it is becoming more popular among the young people. Czech Republic adolescents are faced with the double burden of cigarette use and the use of other forms of tobacco products such as chewing tobacco, nicotine pouches, e-cigarettes, heated tobacco products etc. Due the aforementioned reason, the Czech Republic started policy-making processes aimed at limiting the accessibility of these products to the young population. The results are also considered in proposed interventions or further examination.
The author has no conflicts of interest to disclose.
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