Efficacy of a 5-session smoking cessation program in the general population
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Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer, Spain
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Publication date: 2023-04-25
Corresponding author
Tamara Redondo Elvira
Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer, Spain
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2023;9(Supplement):A63
Tobacco is nowadays the first avoidable cause of death in developed countries, triggering respiratory, cardiovascular and oncological problems. At present there are different programs with proven efficacy for smoking cessation; at the psychological level, one of the most effective is the program designed by Becoña, which consists of 9 sessions. The aim of this study is to test the effectiveness of a smoking cessation treatment in the general population based on the techniques of Becoña's program, but reduced to 5 sessions.

Material and Methods:
The sample consisted of 32 subjects, divided into 2 groups: Group 1 with 16 people and the 9-session treatment was applied and group 2 with 16 people and the 5-session treatment was applied.

Characterization of the sample: 40% women and 60% men with an average age of 51.8. The STAI, Trait (mean=22.97; SD=9.45) and State (mean=20.37; SD=10.41) and Fagestörm (mean=4.40; SD=1.58) were used, as well as self-registers for smoking behavior. Group 1 had an abstinence rate of 63.6%, while group 2 had an abstinence rate of 55.3%. No significant differences were found between the two programs (r=0.373).

This indicates that the treatment studied presents an effectiveness similar to that achieved by similar programs using the same behavioral techniques, with the consequent benefit of showing similar results using a shorter amount of time.
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Becoña, E., & Míguez, M. C. (2008). Group behavior therapy for smoking cessation. Journal of Groups in Addiction & Recovery, 3(1-2), 63-78.
Frikart, M., Etienne, S., & Zellweger, J. P. (2003). Five-day plan for smoking cessation using group behaviour therapy. Swiss Medical Weekly, 133(0304), 39-39.
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