Firsts results and effectiveness National Smoking cessation service in Ukraine
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Kyiv City Health Center
NGO "Life"
Publication date: 2018-06-13
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2018;4(Supplement):A121
Estimating needs and effectiveness Quitline and Website for smoking cessation. Smoking cessation service was officially launched on June 20, 2017, in Ukraine. It was initiative antitobacco activists with the support of WHO Country office and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and in the line with the WHO European Region Health Policy – Health 2020.

We analyzed call data from telephone line customers using surveys used by consultants at each consultation. We also evaluated our customers' data through website self-assessment questionnaires. Then we summarize the key indicators that give quantitative and qualitative characteristics. Period of analyzed June-December 2017

The total numbers of outgoing calls are 1686. The numbers of full consultations are 708. The average duration of consultation is 15 minutes. There were 4 times more men than women among smokers and 0.6 times more women than men among relatives/friends of smokers who called. The most of clients were 50-59 years old (22.1%), the least of them were of age 80 years and over (0.5%) and less than 20 years old (1.5%). More than 40% of clients have been smoking over 30 years and have the high level of nicotine dependence. 87% of clients tried to quit. Among them 30% tried to quit at least a couple of times, 3% had over 10 attempts.

70% of Quitline clients are ready to quit, 13% are not ready and 10% are unsure. The main reason to quit which was declared by over 60% of clients is health which is followed by money savings and family. Based on consultations conducted 43% of clients set up the quit date, 16% of them also developed a quit plan, 9% got a motivation counseling (these who was unsure in intentions to quit), 19% got information about nicotine-replacement therapy.
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