Tobacco Control Policies and Practices in Turkey from the Point of Civil Society Organization - Turkish Green Crescent Society
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Turkish Green Crescent Society, Istanbul, Turkey
Publication date: 2018-06-13
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Osman Altay   

Turkish Green Crescent Society, Istanbul, Turkey
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2018;4(Supplement):A120
This study assessed the correlation between tobacco control media campaigns and tobacco control violations reporting by people.

Material and Methods:
Study data derived from the user and violation reporting numbers gathered from Green Detector Mobile Application which is has been designed in such a way that enables the users to report a violation without having to use his/her name. Weakly changes in these figures are compared with media campaigns aiming at rising awareness on tobacco control.

Change in the number of downloads and users is in positive correlation with the broadcasting of the public ads on the tobacco control.

Tobacco control legislation in Turkey is aligned with international standards. However, rights of non-smokers are violated at public places such as restaurants and cafes. The ban on smoking indoors is stretched by such businesses in practice. Therefore, the non-smokers are still subjected to second-hand smoke at those places. In that regard, public awareness must be improved on and non-smokers must be reminded of the harms of second hand smoke.
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